There are many stress factors in life that may cause people to experience symptoms of anxiety. At the time that I am writing this article, the economic situation shows an increased level of unemployment, which may produce financial problems and added stress for families. People may get easily frustrated when they have been job searching for a long period of time without many positive results from their consistent efforts. It can be an added burden when an employee loses their benefits along with their job position. They may begin to feel helpless.
In somewhat of an opposite situation, working moms that are really busy can easily become physically and mentally exhausted from trying to juggle their career and family responsibilities. They may also have the added responsibility of caring for their aging parents. It can be a challenge to find enough time to get the proper rest.
You need to realize there are different levels of stress. It is not uncommon for people to feel a little nervous when they are going for a medical appointment, or interviewing for an important job they really want. A traumatic event or major lifestyle changes can cause anxiety. Divorce, death of a loved one, job loss, and health issues are common factors that can make people experience sadness, loneliness, and anxiety.
Symptoms for anxiety may include restlessness, nervousness, irritability, sleep disturbances, and feelings of fear. People with anxiety may also experience dizziness. They may feel like they have shortness of breath or palpitations. Sometimes, the anxiety lessens or goes away when the actual precipitating stress factors improve. For example, someone that is unemployed might feel more calm, relaxed, and reassured after they get a new job and get settled in with the company.
Another example would be the following: if a person is newly diagnosed with a medical condition, such as diabetes, they may get more education from their doctor about how to treat their disease, possibly with diet and properly prescribed medication. Hopefully, this may help to alleviate any unnecessary fears.
Also, if a family has a major relocation to a new city or town, it may take a little time and effort to get adjusted to their new home, neighbors, school, stores and general surroundings.
However, if anxiety remains ongoing and reaches the level where it interferes with a person’s ability to function with their daily responsibilities, it may be considered an anxiety disorder. Unfortunately, people who experience chronic anxiety may have a difficult time performing their work duties or taking care of their routine family responsibilities at home.
The true cause of anxiety is unknown; however, anxiety disorders may be caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. Research has shown that genetics and environmental stress are important factors involved with anxiety. It is essential that a person experiencing anxiety symptoms speak to their physician about obtaining a medical exam to rule out any possible medical cause for their current symptoms. For example, pituitary, adrenal, or thyroid conditions may possibly cause anxiety symptoms.
There is some good news. It may be comforting to know there are treatments to help alleviate or lessen anxiety. Actually, there are easy lifestyle changes that may help anxiety. To read more about anxiety and depression you may wish to visit my Psychology Concepts blog which includes information regarding obsessive compulsive disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, agoraphobia, anxiety and more. It also covers topics such as coping with everyday stress, and provides some ideas about how to get good sleep.
In today’s busy society, people have a habit of taking on too many responsibilities everyday without balancing their day with some relaxing time just for themselves. If you don’t have adequate time to take care of yourself, you might not have enough energy to take care of your family on an everyday basis.
I have seen that when people take care of themselves mentally and physically, they may find they are more productive at their job and with their family responsibilities. It is not unusual for people to put others’ needs before their own and they may use too much of their own energy. They may become more prone to the negative effects of stress.
There are positive steps that you can take to better cope with your daily responsibilities. For example, working moms can ask their spouse and children to help with family chores, if appropriate. It is a great habit to schedule a specific amount of time each day just for yourself to relax.
It may be beneficial to treat yourself to a special times during your week for enjoying your hobbies, such as the following: listening to music, watching movies, shopping, dining out with friends and family, and just allowing for enough time everyday for relaxation. Hobbies can be very therapeutic for people experiencing anxiety. Reading, creative writing, yoga, crafting, and gardening are some more relaxing ideas. A real easy way to make your day a little brighter is to take a walk out in the fresh air and sunshine. My favorite way to decrease stress is to spend a little extra time with our family pets. A favorite dog or cat can provide many positive emotional benefits in our lives. Also, support groups can be helpful during stressful times. Friends and family can prove to be great support systems.
As strange as it may sound, I actually feel less stress after I get myself more organized with everything at my home. I find that the more clutter I have accumulated, the more I have a tendency to feel stressed throughout the day. After I clean the house and successfully complete some organizing projects, I feel that I have more control in my life. Often times, I make daily “To Do” lists and cross things off after I complete them. It makes it easier to see my accomplishments. It is rewarding, and it definitely seems to help with time management and productivity.
Living a healthy lifestyle, in general, may be helpful to prevent or lessen anxiety. I have learned that our bodies actually function better when we maintain somewhat of a daily routine. Sleep provides wonderful repair time for the body, and many times we don’t get enough sleep. It may be beneficial to try to routinely go to bed and wake up around the same time each day. To read more about sleep information, you may wish to visit my Healthy Sleep Information blog. It provides helpful ideas about how to get good sleep. Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet is also important when we are choosing our daily food choices. A nutritious diet includes fruits and vegetables.
Now, there are also some traditional treatments for anxiety which may include the following: psychological counseling, learning relaxation techniques, biofeedback, or prescribed medications. Counselors may help teach cognitive-behavioral therapy to people with anxiety disorders. People who have anxiety symptoms can learn to replace their negative thought pattern with positive thoughts.
Physicians may decide to prescribe anti-anxiety medications or antidepressants for people with anxiety disorders. Often times, people that are depressed may also experience anxiety symptoms. The doctor may develop an individualized outpatient treatment plan, which may include some counseling. For people with severe anxiety, there are inpatient treatment options that may be helpful for people who are having a great deal of difficulty coping with their everyday responsibilities at work and with their family duties.
Try to remember that people with a positive outlook on life may be able to create their own happiness. Some people are fortunate to be genetically programmed to have an optimistic personality, but we can all learn to view our lives in a more positive way. We can try to create our own happiness by focusing on the positive, instead of the negative!