A bathing trolley is an essential piece of equipment in any hospital. Purchasing a sub-par quality trolley can be detrimental. Therefore, it is crucial to look at its structure to ascertain if it can do the job well.


Also called a shower bed or shower gurney, a shower bathing trolley is simply a mobile, water-resistant device that allows caregivers to transport patients who can move on their own into bathing areas. There are different kinds of trolleys – some enable the caregiver to bathe patients on the trolley itself, while others do not allow such capabilities. The former is ideal for facilities without a patient bathing area.


Patients might spend a lot of time in a shower trolley. Therefore, the buyer must consider comfort and support critically. Again, caregivers need to find it easy to bathe patients.


Essential tips to consider


The safety of the patients should be a primary concern when purchasing a shower bathing trolley. Shower trolleys are constructed for patient safety and have the following features:


  • Safety rails – ideally, the trolley should have significantly high rails; sufficient enough to support patients. If the rails are low, they leave the patients vulnerable to falling. In this case with short rails, the caregivers feel nervous while tending to the patients.
  • Stability – a stable shower bathing trolley is an admirable choice, especially when moving. Trolleys that wobble or rock from side to side when moving can make it difficult for caregivers to use, and it might injure the patient. So, find a stable trolley – a heavy one but still manoeuvrable.
  • Mobile versus wall mounted trolleys – a mobile trolley is a better option as it is safer. These trolleys allow the caregiver to access the patient from both sides. That makes it easier for them to support and efficiently clean the patient.


There is a wide range of shower bathing trolley sizes. The size of your bathing room should guide your buying decision. Therefore, before choosing a trolley, note the washroom’s size and compare it to the trolley you want to buy. A right trolley size concerning the washroom should let you freely move around the trolley or let you turn it around.


Again, the size of the trolley itself matters. Avoid purchasing very narrow trolleys. Narrow trolleys make it difficult for caregivers to turn the patients – there is always the fear of falling. So, consider buying a wider trolley.


Buy a shower trolley that has a water-resistant and robust pad construction and frame. A shower trolley can be made from lightweight but heavy-duty, water-resistant PVC pipes. The material should be scratch- and chip-resistant. Others are designed from powder-coated steel while others are constructed from zinc-plated steel and stainless steel.


The majority of shower bathing trolleys have a minimum weight capacity of 300 pounds. So, buy a trolley that can support up to 1000 pounds. While it may be wise to purchase a trolley based on your patients’ weight and size, consider buying a trolley with a little bit higher weight rating than the standard weight of a patient. This allows room for fluctuations.


A trolley with better adjustability allows better standards of care. Significantly, it changes with your changing needs. Check for tilting options in flatbeds. That will allow water to flow. If it is fixed in a tilted position, children may slide to the bottom. Moreover, consider height adjustability. Other essential factors include ease of use and casters.


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